Thanks to Ren at Dali's Moustache for awarding me with the "Versatile Blogger Award!" She has beautiful work to share on her blog, so check it out :-) The rules of the award are to share 7 interesting facts about myself, and then pass the award on to 10 new or favorite blogs of mine.
- I am getting married to my best friend in 37 days. (But who's counting?)
- I can't wait to get a job teaching elementary art! I really believe that teaching art is a job that I will love to get up and do every morning for the next 30 years and I feel so lucky to have found my passion so early in life.
- One of my favorite memories is being in the rainforest and having a red-eyed tree frog climb through my hair.
- I've played the flute since I was 11.
- I am currently writing my first children's book.
- My favorite artist is Charley Harper, a Cincinnati artist. If you've never seen his work, look it up right now!
- My cat's name is Charley and I plan to name my first born son Harper. Ha!
Ten of my favorite/new found blogs:
Thanks for all of the wonderful lessons and inspiration! Pass it on :-)